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Complete Travel Data Drives Travel Policy Compliance

April 25, 2022
two women looking at travel data and analyzing travel policy compliance.

Travel Managers often juggle their company's best interest and traveler satisfaction. Depending on your company, it may be challenging to satisfy both parties or come to a mutually beneficial agreement on your corporate travel policy. Here we will uncover the benefits of having access to complete travel data through Traxo and how travel managers can accomplish meeting their corporate objectives while also increasing traveler satisfaction and travel policy compliance in one fell swoop.

1. Revealing the Sources of Leaked Travel Improves Travel Policy Compliance

Traxo travel data insights and analytics tools, provide you with visibility into granular data related to your business travelers’ reservations. Through these tools, you can easily uncover the existing sources of leaked travel bookings. These rogue reservations can be further broken down to discover trends in non-compliant bookings. Once you’ve identified the sources and trends, you can adjust travel program policies to make them more practical and applicable to your travelers.


2. Educating Travelers to Make Smart Travel Decisions

With Traxo in place, you can see which travelers seem to be your repeat offenders. Through discussions with your rogue travelers, you can begin to understand either the education gaps or the program pain points that led them off track in the first place.

With quantitative and qualitative data as your foundation, you can establish a training and education plan that mitigates rogue bookings. Through optimized training and education, you empower your business travelers to make smarter business travel booking decisions from day one rather than trying to course-correct rogue behavior later (though Traxo's pre-trip data helps with post-booking corrections too).

Adjustments that Encourage Travel Policy Compliance

Through comprehensive travel data analytics, travel managers have a unique opportunity to see the bigger picture, in one tool that gives you quick access to all your consolidated travel data. With data visualization, travel managers can analyze data trends to identify commonalities amongst rogue bookings. With reliable data insights, you will begin to see patterns within your various travel segments. For example, you may notice a trend in travelers booking a specific route on a carrier that is not currently part of your preferred program or see a spike in hotel bookings at a specific chain.

Perhaps you’ll discover an uptick in bookings in a particular city, which didn’t see much volume until recent months.

As you sift through the data and start to draw conclusions based on the trends you see, you can begin discussions with your travel suppliers to revisit or amend existing agreements. Alternatively, you might be in a position to engage with other industry suppliers that have adequate booking volumes uncovered by your travel data reports. As travelers realize that you’ve incorporated traveler-choice suppliers, your overall travel policy compliance should trend upward.


Improved Travel Booking Decisions

Employing the “big brother” type scare tactic is never the way to go to force behavioral change. However, when your travelers are aware that the company has access to comprehensive travel data that outlines where and how the traveler booked their business trip, they may feel inclined to shift their booking behavior to preferred channels and better align with the policy and procedures guide. By making them aware and aligning the company’s booking guidelines with traveler preferences, your traveler can focus on being the best at their job—rather than trying to find ways to circumvent the system you’ve worked hard to establish.  

Shifting policies to favor business goals and traveler behavior allows you to increase traveler satisfaction while still moving the needle on your travel policy compliance. Traxo’s complete travel data can be used to educate employees, shift traveler buying behavior, keep business travelers safer, and empower your business to make smarter buying decisions based on real data.

Contact Traxo today to learn more about complete travel data analytics and reporting that can support your corporate travel policy compliance.

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